Captain America 1944

Action Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller

Superhero Captain America battles the evil forces of the archvillain called The Scarab, who poisons his enemies and steals a secret device capable of destroying buildings by sound vibrations.

Tous les titres
  • US: Captain America Captain America
  • BR: Capitão América Capitão América
  • GR: Captain America Captain America
  • MX: El capitán vencedor El capitán vencedor
  • PT: A Morte Vermelha A Morte Vermelha
  • RU: Капитан Америка Капитан Америка
  • RS: Kapetan Amerika Kapetan Amerika
  • UA: Капiтан Америка Капiтан Америка
  • US: Return of Captain America Return of Captain America
  • UY: Capitán América, el vencedor Capitán América, el vencedor
Date de sortie 05 Feb 1944
Lien IMDb
