Le cavalier sans peur 1939


In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.

Tous les titres
  • De ruiter zonder vrees
  • US: Riders of the Sage Riders of the Sage
  • BR: Cavaleiros do Oeste Cavaleiros do Oeste
  • DK: Bedste mand på prærien Bedste mand på prærien
  • DK: Præriens bedste mand Præriens bedste mand
  • GR: Kavallarides tou tromou Kavallarides tou tromou
  • UA: Riders of the Sage Riders of the Sage
  • US: Riders of the Sage Riders of the Sage
Date de sortie 01 Aug 1939
Lien IMDb
