Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea 1961

Action Adventure Sci-Fi

When the Earth is threatened by a burning Van Allen Radiation Belt, U.S. Navy Admiral Harriman Nelson plans to shoot a nuclear missile at the Belt, using his experimental atomic submarine, the Seaview.

Tous les titres
  • US: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • AR: Viaje al fondo del mar Viaje al fondo del mar
  • BR: Viagem ao Fundo do Mar Viagem ao Fundo do Mar
  • CA: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • CA: Le sous-marin de l'apocalypse Le sous-marin de l'apocalypse
  • DK: Rejsen til havets bund Rejsen til havets bund
  • FI: Operaatio Atomisukellusvene Operaatio Atomisukellusvene
  • FI: Operation Atom U-båten Operation Atom U-båten
  • FR: Le sous-marin de l'apocalypse Le sous-marin de l'apocalypse
  • DE: Unternehmen Feuergürtel Unternehmen Feuergürtel
  • GR: Taxidi sto vytho tis thalassis Taxidi sto vytho tis thalassis
  • HU: Utazás a tenger mélyére Utazás a tenger mélyére
  • IT: Viaggio in fondo al mare Viaggio in fondo al mare
  • JP: The Global Crisis The Global Crisis
  • JP: 地球の危機 地球の危機
  • MX: Viaje al fondo del mar Viaje al fondo del mar
  • PL: Wyprawa na dno morza Wyprawa na dno morza
  • PT: Viagem ao Fundo do Mar Viagem ao Fundo do Mar
  • RO: Calatorie spre fundul oceanului Calatorie spre fundul oceanului
  • RU: Путешествие на дно моря Путешествие на дно моря
  • ES: Viaje al fondo del mar Viaje al fondo del mar
  • SE: SOS! Jorden brinner! SOS! Jorden brinner!
  • TR: Deniz Altında Seyahat Deniz Altında Seyahat
  • UA: Irwin Allen's Production of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Irwin Allen's Production of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • US: Journey to the Bottom of the Sea Journey to the Bottom of the Sea
  • US: Irwin Allen's Production of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Irwin Allen's Production of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • US: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • DE: Unternehmen Feuergürtel Unternehmen Feuergürtel
  • DE: Als der Weltraum zu brennen begann Als der Weltraum zu brennen begann
Date de sortie 12 Jul 1961
Lien IMDb
